Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Garden is Taking Shape!

After several meetings with Scott Koepke from New Pioneer Co-Op in Iowa City we decided on an awesome sun dial design.  What exactly does that mean?  Below is a picture of the garden area staked out and spray painted before we dug it up and put compost on it.  Kids affectionally call them "pie wedges" or "pizza slices"!

Can you see the yellow outline?  Those are the "pie wedges"
that will make up the garden grow space!  It's not a traditional
rectangle or square but will still have all of the
vegetables that you are used to seeing in a garden.  

 Scott does gardening education to schools in the Iowa City area and is currently helping over 25 schools from elementary to high schools get school gardens started or maintained.  He was nice enough to generously donate his time and expertise to our project!

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